Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Our last day at sea

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

As we cruised towards Amsterdam, we did almost what we did yesterday.

The pictures are:
One small part of the prep kitchen
Barb and Sheila
Barb being paid for her jackpot

Barb slept in to try and get rid of the “flu” like symptoms that she has and then we met our friends from Florida, Bob and Sheila for a tour of the kitchen. We had seen it before but they had not.

Then we changed our bag tags so that we could leave together and get our van fast when we land at Dover. It is hard to believe that we only have two days and nights left as the last few have really gone fast. But we are both ready to get back to friends, family and work.

After lunch, we all played in the slot tournament and Ed lost out as someone in the very last qualifying group beat him out.

Then it was on to a session in the casino where Ed hit again twice out of four times on black 20 on roulette and as he went to tell Barb, she hit for a great jackpot in slots.

We then went on to bingo, where Barb won one of the bingo games.

Ed played again in the casino while Barb rested before getting ready for the evening.

What a wonderful day to just relax at sea. The weather was a typical day here, 65 degrees but cold because the sun was not out. I do not think we have seen more than 30 minutes of sun on the entire trip – but at least we have not had bad weather – we just brought too many bathing suits and shorts!
A great dinner, followed by a comedian that most walked out on - he was not really funny so we went to the casino and played for just a little while.
Time for bed because tomorrow is Amersterdam - our last port and everyone is looking forward to it.
Bye for now

Somewhere at sea

Monday, September 8, 2008

The pictures are:
Inside the dome overlooking one of the pools
One of the several buffet stations
Barb and our casino host, Clauidia

We are sailing on to Amsterdam. The ship is really traveling because the Captain wants to get to Amsterdam in time for a major lock to be available for the ship to pass into the harbor. Apparently we go through a series of locks before we get to our port at Amsterdam.

Well Barb enjoyed the morning by sleeping late and she deserved it. She woke up with a little chest congestion so we have her on cough drops and Vicks liquid (which she really loves)! It appears that a lot of people on the ship have caught something.

The day was peaceful. We all played in the blackjack tournament but only our friend Bob qualified for the finals and he didn’t place. We then went to play bingo and Bob won $150 and the rest of us had fun.

While Barb rested and tried to get rid of what she caught, Ed played blackjack and won.

In the early evening, while waiting for Barb, Ed played roulette and hit on black 20 for $100 net. Roulette is a boring game, but a fun way to kill a little time.

Tonight was formal night and Barb looked stunning as the picture shows. Tonight the show was a huge singing and dancing production of rock and roll music and it was really fun.

After dinner we went to the casino and did great – missed the grand midnight buffet but the casino was fun and we really were not hungry. Today was a restful, lucky day.

Tomorrow is another day a sea - see you tomorrow.

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