Friday, January 5, 2018

New Years – 2018 – Day 9 Barb’s birthday!!!!

New Years – 2018 – Day 9
Barb’s birthday!!!! 
We woke up in the port of St. Kitts, our last port of the cruise and got off the ship at about 9:30am spending the morning walking into the actual town and then also around the huge group of shops at the port.

We first ran into a cute little girl whose birthday was today, the same as Barb’s.  the girl was so amazed that Barb’s birthday was the same, it was fun to see her face light up.

It was funny when we walked into a shop where Ed had purchased the shirt he had on two years ago and the owner recognized the shirt as he also had some new colors this year as well as the very same shirt that Ed was wearing.  He even took Ed’s picture to show his family.

We also bought some Mango Run that tasted really, really, good and was made in St. Kitts and we can’t wait to share it like we did the wine we brought back from the Orient last year!!  We promise it is better.

Barb also bought her scarf and very unusual green and very pretty.  Amazing that she made it the entire trip without buying one until today.

Then we followed our normal routine for this cruise and were back on the ship to have lunch with Jeff & Vera and then up to the deck to be in the sun.

Speaking of scarves – Jeff & Vera brought Barb a very pretty scarf for her birthday and gave it to her at lunch.

After cleaning up we packed as tonight they pick up our luggage as we arrive in San Juan tomorrow for the trip home.  Jeff and Vera are worried because New York airports were closed yesterday but they should be open by Saturday, so they can get home.  Of course, we hope that our flights go also but there are worst places to stay for an extra day than San Juan, so we will see what happens tomorrow.

As we were packing our stateroom attendant came to the room with a couple of birthday gifts for Barb.  One was a birthday cake and the neatest one was a dominos set including 2 decks of cards in a wonderful wooden box.  It said from Guest Relations and the staff but we re sure that it came directly from Camron, the Guest Relations Manager.  He is very high up the management chain, reporting directly to the Hotel Manager who reports directly to the Captain.   We now have a new couple of friends that we look forward to seeing in the future.  The rumor is that he will be on the newest ship, the Edge on its third sailing next Dec 30, the one we will also be on so that will be wonderful.

Then of course we walked around, and people watched before going to the show which was a very good production number from the cast of singers and dances on the ship.

We then met Sara and Cameron, the Guests Relations Manager and Jeff & Vera for dinner to celebrate here birthday in Tucson Grille, the #1 specialty restaurant on the ship.  It is an extra cost, but the casino is paying for it as part of our “perks”.
Ed was down and Barb hit a nice jackpot so we were down just a little for the entire cruise

Then it was back to the cabin for a short night’s sleep and tomorrow we head home.

It has been a wonderful relaxing cruise and yes kids, your Mom did not walk a lot and she is better today than when she left home.

We hope all is well with the family and can’t wait to be home again.

Love & Hugs to all.

Mom and Ed

                Celebrating Barb's birthday with Jeff, Vera, Sarah and Cameron in Blu Restaurant

Port of St. Kitts

A hug if you buy earrings

Barb & the little girl's birthday today

Trying rum - raining outside - trying more run and yes we bought some!!

Barb and her new scarf

Birthday present and our room steward

Time to go home

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