Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Europe 2009 – day 4

The pictures are:
1. Sorrento from the coast highway.
2. Positano.
3. A hotel on the hillside.
4. The beach at Amalfi.

After our first late night it was a little hard getting up early but we were up and on the dock to meet our driver at 8am. Our driver and guide for the day was Giancarlo and his web site is http://www.tourofitaly.com/ if you want to read about him. This was a great tour of the Amalfi Coast and we had a wonderful day.

We started out by driving to Sorrento, a small town of 20,000 but a beautiful town on the coast. We shopped for an hour and then met Giancarlo for the drive to Position, a small town on the Amalfi Coast which is supposed to be one of the most beautiful towns on the Coast – it was incredible – with everything basically on the side of the mountain.

We stopped there for another hour and then it was onto Amalfi, vacation home to the rich and famous and wow what a place to visit. Some of the hotels were 20 – 30 stories above the water with an elevator inside the mountain to take you down to the beach. The pools and decks were suspended right off the side of the mountain.

We ate lunch there at a local’s seaside restaurant and have a wonderful meal.

After shopping at Amalfi, we drove over the mountains for 1 ½ hours before arriving back at the ship.

What a class ship this is, waiting at the dock were staff with ice cold wash towels and glasses of water. Every staff person on this ship is exceptional in their friendless.

Well we had a great dinner, a good show and fun time in the casino. The only problem is that we turn the clocks ahead one hour so it is no 1:51am and we have to meet Israeli Security people tomorrow morning at 9:45am. They are talking to and checking out each person on the ship!
So, good night for tonight.

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