Thursday, March 2, 2023

Spring 2023 – Day 8

We are back as sea and heading north for our final port of San Diego before arriving back at Los Angeles

Today, the weather was sunny; however, not warm enough to be outside so we slept in for a little bit.

Lunch was in the Ocenview Café inside and then we went on a ships tour.

The tour was 2 hours long and included the crew’s quarters, the laundry, the kitchen and the bridge so it was fun.

At 6:00pm we went to the lounge to have a drink and it was Chick Night – the replacement for the formal nights.

We spent about an hour with 2 couples who we had dinner with and just enjoy talking about where each was from.

The show in the theater was a show called “Boy Band Evolution” and it traced the history of male groups from barbershop to present time and they was very, very  good.

We had another great dinner in Luminae and then finally we went to the casino where Barb won and Ed  also won, but not as much as Barb!!

Night and tomorrow is the port of San Diego and we are going to their famous Zoo for the day and of course we hope for great weather.

A couple of more nights and we will be home!!

Night from the Pacific Ocean

                                                     Ready for the day

                                                      Part of the kitchen

                            The three top chefs for the main dining room

            Just one of many storerooms.  They use up to 5,000 pounds of rice each 7 day trip and
                    3,000 dozen eggs!!

                                            The engine control room

                                                    The bridge

                                                Ready for the evening's activities

                                                   Trout as an appetizer for dinner

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