Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years 2012 – Day 5

Well after a really late night last night, we almost missed the morning. But, we were able to make it out on the deck by 11:00am. What a great way to start the New Year!!
Barb collecting her winnings from our Host

It is amazing how easy it is to sleep on a ship. The drapes keep out 99% of the light and you don’t hear anything where are cabin is located. We missed a big rain storm that we passed through about 9am.

We stayed on the deck in absolute perfect 78 degree weather until 1:00pm, ate lunch from the grill on the deck and then came back to the cabin to change.

2:00pm was the slot tournament and we didn’t want to miss it and it was a good thing because both of us qualified for the finals and Barb won it. Cash, a first-place trophy and a shirt were her winnings

One of the pools
Then we walked around and shopped at the gift shop for our usual souvenirs and took some pictures of the ship.

Tonight is our first formal night so we sat downstairs and watched people as they went to the first shift for dinner. Then it was time for us to get ready and meet Jeff and Vera for dinner in the Blu restaurant.

After a great dinner, we all went directly to the casino because we were talking so long at dinner we missed the show in the lounge!

Then it was to the casino where all four of us did really well. Barb played slots and is now ahead for the trip, yes it is only the second day, but we are both ahead.

Our first formal night
Ed, Jeff and Vera played together at a table for two hours and all came out well ahead for the night and the cruise.

It is 1:30am and time for bed. Tomorrow in the afternoon we arrive in San Juan for our first island stop.

Night from the sea.

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