Friday, October 18, 2013

Europe – Day 11

We went to bed and got up early because yesterday we did not have enough time to really enjoy the island.  Today we hoped to sightsee, shop and then go to one of the many beaches and just relax. 

It is an old volcanic island and was first inhabited in 3,000 BC.  It is listed as one of the tope 3 destinations in Greece, behind Santorini and Athens, both of which we have just visited.  It is also the most popular Greek Island in the Aegean Sea and is the original party island with all of its beaches.

Finally the October weather caught up with us because when we woke up it was 63 and had just been raining a little.  The forecast was for clearing sky and tempteture up to 68.

We took a chance and packed beach towels and set out to visit the only town on the island.

We found that this was a beautiful island and flat as opposed to Santorini yesterday.  The streets are cobblestone and 99% of the buildings are white, just like a post card.

Then the rains came and washed away our plans for the beach.  We had also packed two umbrellas so we continued to walk the streets, but we did get wet. 

We also visited some of the Greek churches and they are very beautiful inside but very, very small.

We had a snack at a pastry shop and then lunch at a neat little restaurant all while trying to stay dry, which we didn’t!

About 1, it stopped raining and by 2 we were ready to go back to the ship as the winds picked up and the tempteture never did get high enough for us to go to the beach.

So, after we got back on the ship, we spent a couple of hours on the deck in the sun soaking up the rays.

After we came back to the ship of course we did our usual:
  1. Relaxed on our deck
  2. Cleaned up
  3. Took a nap
  4. Walked around
  5. Played in the casino
  6. Picked out pictures
  7. Ate dinner
  8. Second session in the casino
  9. Went to bed late

A very predictable schedule, but what a lot of fun we are having.  Barb is still feeling the symptoms of being sick but is pushing through and hopefully she will be totally well soon.

The casino was a really bright spot tonight with Barb winning $1,000.00 and Ed was really down and then split 8’s and drew another 8 with a double so it was an $800 hand.

Tomorrow is a sea day and should be very relaxing and lets hope we get great weather so that we can be on deck getting some sun as the ship heads back towards Italy and sadly the end of our cruise – for this time.

Night from the sea.

Ed with his $3 umbrella from Rome

A snack - spinish pie


Typical street


They call this Venice in Greece

Lots of small churches like this one

The town

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