Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Day 9, Wednesday, July 27

Up at 5:45am to check out and take a taxi to the train station for a 6:30am boarding.

Boarding when smoothly and again we had the best seat on the train – the front row with all the windows in front of us.   We had asked several months ago for those seats and they gave them to us.

We sat with a couple from Houston, TX and enjoyed breakfast of reindeer sausage, eggs and biscuits. 

The 4-hour trip went fast and the hotel shuttle was at the station to meet us; however, we could only give them our luggage as we had a boat trip to take for the next 4 hours from 12:30pm – 4:30pm. 

WOW!! What a great 4 hours.  The Captain told us that the odds of seeing a whale was very, very slim and guess what – WE SAW A WHALE!!  We also saw, Puffins, Sea Lions, Seals and Bald Eagles. 

After an exciting trip, we took the shuttle to the hotel to check in.  The Hotel is the Hotel Seward and it has been in existence since 1905 and has only had 4 owners.  They gave us a great room as you can see by the picture.

We went to a local restaurant for dinner and had a fresh caught Halibut dinner.

Back to hotel to take the COVID test and we both tested negative – YEA!!

After another long day, it was to bed for a fun day tomorrow in Seward.

Night from Alaska again.

This is when we saw the Whale - wait till you see the end!

Just sunning themselves on the rocks

                                                            The view from out train

                                                                         A small "town"

                                                        A very small glacier

                                                                  Fun in the sun!!

                                                            Our room at the hotel

                                                      The Hotel Seward at twilight


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