Wednesday, October 20, 2021

October 2021 – Day 6

 Finally, it was time to get ready in the morning and board the ship.

We took the rental car back to the airport and found out that they were no longer running a shuttle bus to the pier.

So, we called an Uber and was at the ship by Noon.

The ship had given us all individual arrival times and ours was 1:00pm, so of course we arrived early.

We gave our luggage to the porters and went to the check-in area expecting to wait.  We didn’t have to wait as they had us board.

Lots of double checking as to our vaccination card and the rapid-test verification that we did yesterday.

We must have been checked 3 times for each; however, it went very, very smoothly and we were in our cabin by 12:30pm.

We unpacked, walked around the ship and at 1:30pm Barb and Tim had arrived so we spend the next couple of hours sitting in the back of the ship just talking and catching each other up-to-date.

We then went back to the cabin and our luggage had arrived, including a bottle of Kahula smuggled aboard in Rum Runners!!

We met Barb and Tim in the casino and played a session and Ed won nicely and Barb didn’t play, just watched us “work”.

Then we went to one of the specialty restaurants and had a good meal followed by the first show of the cruise.  The entertainer was a woman who gave impressions of famous singers – she was ok.

Back to the casino we went and Ed had another great win.  Altogether, he had a very, very good night.

What a fun day to the start of the cruise.  We feel very, very safe as everyone, even children had to be vaccinated plus have a rapid test within the last 48 hours.  The crew are 100% vaccinated and they are given weekly tests

The ship is sailing with 50% capacity so that makes everything nice.

It is now midnight and time to go to bed.

Tomorrow we dock at Nassau in the Bahamas and we don’t know what we will do – but it will be fun and relaxing.

Night from somewhere on the ocean – it feels really great to be back on a ship.

On the way to the ship

                                                    Old friends - Barb & Time Freeman

Barbs at lunch

                                                                        Her lunch!!

                                                            Welcome flowers from Ed

                                                      Going out for the evening

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