Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Europe 2011 - Day 8

On the train to Rome
Rome – we docked at 9:00am at the port of Civitavecchia, which is a little more that an hour train ride from Rome.

We took the shuttle bus from the ship to the end of the pier and walked about 4 blocks to the local train station where we boarded a train to Rome. It is always fun using local transportation and reading all of the names and directions. We have been this way before so it wasn’t really a problem and, it is a lot cheaper than using Carnival’s transporation.

Carnival had a bus to town where they simply dropped you off in the city and picked you up 10 hours later to take you back to the ship. Carnival charged $80.00 and we only paid $13.00 for our train ride which included unlimited subway usage. Not a bad saving and we didn’t have to wait for anyone.

In Rome, we first took a subway to the largest flea market in the city – a huge area in the south of the city that is open every day from 7am – 1pm and then they all clean out and the street opens.

Barb bought some things and Ed bought some shirts. Then it was back on the subway to see their WWII memorial which is next to the Coliseum and the ruins of the old city. The Memorial has an elevator to the top and it is about 14 stories up with a great view of the city.

Then we took a taxi to the Trevi Fountain where we threw coins in for luck in returning to Rome. The first time we visited Rome we did this with no intention of coming back and we have now been here four times!
The Coliseum

Next was pizza for lunch and a trip to St. Peters; however, when we got there the Pope has just finished an open air mass and the place was jammed with people. So, we walked around the shopping area between the Vatican and the subway stop and finally headed back to the train station for the ride back to the port.

We moved to a new table with our new friends that we met last night and had a great time with our new tablemates. We now are at a round table for 10 and we all seem to enjoy each others company – dinners will be fun.

No show tonight so just the casino and then on to an early bed as we arrive at the port leading to Florence tomorrow.

We'll be back!!


Snack time

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