Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 2

A cruise ship entering port - as seen from our balcony
We awoke to find the sky totally blue and the air hot. We sat on the beach in 85 degree, perfect weather until Noon and then felt that we had enough sun so we came in, changed and went into Old San Juan.

We saw a restaurant reviewed on the Travel Channel called CafĂ© Mallorca and so we had our cab driver take us there. They are only open for breakfast and lunch and we had tried to go there in January but they were closed before we got there.

I think that we were the only customers from outside San Juan who were there. We ordered their special, a Mallorca sandwich. It consisted of thin sweet bread grilled with ham and cheese and sprinkled with powered sugar – that’s right, powered sugar. What a sandwich!!

Barb eating a Mallorca sandwchi
After lunch, we took a walking tour to the “best” local craft stores. It was fun walking the same streets that we have been on before but finding stores that we had never noticed.
Then it was time to go back to the hotel and have dinner in the Executive Lounge again. The free food is not out in the evening on Friday and Saturdays so we will find a local restaurant to go to tomorrow.

Then it was on to the casino where we played the rest of the evening. Barb was down a little and Ed broke even – so the night was fun.

We are tired from a full day of relaxation so night for tonight to all.

The pool and beach from our balcony

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