Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Day 6

Another beautiful day in paradise.  We got up early because we wanted to get to Orient Beach before most of the crowds and also it would be a little cooler.

St. Martins is actually split into two countries, one Dutch and one French and it is a beautiful island that we love to go to.  It does have a lot of the same shopping as St. Thomas, but just on a smaller scale, but our real love is the beach on this island.

After breakfast, we walked off the pier, hopped on a shuttle and we were on the French side of St. Martins at Orient Beach in 15 minutes.

We basically spent the entire day on the beach and lunch was a grilled sandwich and a drink– life is good here.

Pictures are not allowed but you can go on the internet and see what a wonderful place this beach is.

By 2:00pm we had been in the sun long enough so we took a shuttle back to the ship.

The shuttle we took back to the ship was neat because the shuttle driver was giving the other couple a tour of the island, so we listened to their tour as we were driven back.

It was then time to clean up and then take a nap.

After our nap, we walked around the ship listened to music and then went to dinner with a couple we had met in the casino.  He is a retired Colonel in the Air Force and works for a government contractor in Washington so we had fun talking at dinner.

After dinner we went to the casino where we lost a little.

Tonight we are heading back to the United States and will be at sea for two days – just relaxing and enjoying.

Sorry there aren’t more pictures, but we weren’t anywhere to take pictures.

Night from the ocean.
Heading to the beach

The back of the ship

Repair store!!

Going out for the evening

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