Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Asia – Day 7, Tuesday, October 14, 2015

So that everyone is aware, tomorrow we are going to Beijing and that means that our ability to use the internet is very limited.  We will not be able to do the blog as it is blocked in all of China as it is park of Google.
When we awoke, the weather had turned for the better and the sun was out and the sea was calm.  The only problem was that with a little wind, it was way too cold to lie out so we spent the day inside.
After breakfast we went to a wine tasting.  Then we shopped and also picked up our formal picture from last night. 
Then we sat in a very nice lounging area and had tea and snacks while planning out our trip to Soul in a few days.  Basically, we just really relaxed in the morning.
Then for the first time ever, we had lunch in the main dining room.  Service was excellent and the food was also; however, we probably won’t do that again as it takes too much time.
Then it was time for the blackjack tournament which Ed won!!  This was the first tournament that we ever remember that we were ahead going into the final round and the only other person at the table could not catch him – so it was perfect.
Then we played a session for the first time on the cruise and didn’t do well but at least we were able to put in some time at the tables.
For tonight, the show was earlier and so we went to it and then to dinner.
At dinner, we were joined by a new couple from Scotland who have traveled extensively around the world so they will be fun sitting with.
Then it was back to the casino where Ed more than made up for his loss during the day.
After the casino, we went back to the room to pack for tomorrow.  Three days in Beijing, the second largest city –it should be fun.
The next blog will be written on Friday night.
Night for now

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