Thursday, December 5, 2013

Day 7

Our last of 2 sea days and Ed, as usual got up early to get two good deck chairs.  The weather was perfect with a slight breeze and we stayed out on the deck until Noon. 

Then we went to Aqua Spa for lunch and back up on the deck until 1:00pm when it was time to clean up and go to the Blackjack tournament.

Ed qualified for the finals but, for the first time in three cruises, did not win.  The winner was an individual who we met playing blackjack and ate with last night!  A nice couple from Washington DC.  So we just have to start a new streak for next year.

After walking around a little, we went back to the room for our daily nap and get ready for formal night.

After getting ready, we had our pictures taken and we wanted to play a session in the casino but there was nobody there to play, so we sat and listened to the band play.

The show was early tonight so we went to a great production show at 7:00 pm.  The format of the show was exactly the same as we saw in March last year, but of course the cast was different and it was a fun show to see.

Tonight the casino took us to a fabulous specialty restaurant (which is an extra charge restaurant) called Quisne.  Its claim to fame is that is has great food prepared and served in uncommon ways.  The food was great and the preparation and service was fantastic – it was a wonderful meal.  Also great was that the casino paid for it. 

After eating we went to the casino and both Ed and Barb were up – so it was a great evening.

Then it was time to go to bed and tonight we game an hour of sleep so that will be wonderful.

Night from the sea – heading home – one more day on the ship – too short of a cruise but we have lots of things to do for Christmas.
Going out for the afternoon

Our second formal night

9 types of vegetables, 2 filets and 6 more vegetables with the filets!!
The view from our balcony


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