Saturday, October 10, 2015

Europe – 2015 – Day 1 – 3

We left Bloomington at Noon to drive to Chicago for our flight to Turkey, the first leg being to London.

We had great seats and the flight took 8 hours.  They served us dinner and breakfast and we arrived in London almost right on time.  After getting through Customs, we met up with our friends from New York, Jeff and Vera who had been in London for a couple of day.
The 4 hour flight to Istanbul was uneventful and we had 2-across exit seats with lots of leg room.  I think that we slept most of the way.
Going through Customs was a breeze, but we had to wait a little bit for our car as there was a mix-up on times, but it was no big deal.
Then came the cab ride at rush hour –it took us 2 hours to get to the hotel!
After checking in, we took a cab to this major pedestrian street called Istikal Ave and it was fun.
It is a mile long closed off street with nothing but tons of people, places to eat and places to shop in.
We found a wonderful little restaurant on a side street and ordered most of the fish plates that was on the menu.  The best was the main course of Mediterranean Sea Bass – wow was it delicious.
After eating, we continued to walk around until taking a cab back and crashing for the night.
We are 8 hour earlier so we woke up to the news that the Cubs had lost the first game of the series with the Cardinals – oh well there is always next . . . .
In the morning, we went to the Executive Lounge to eat and had a great (free) breakfast before meeting Jeff and Vera at 9:45am to a taxi ride to our first major event of the day, a boat ride on the Bosporus, which is the huge waterway that separates Europe from Asia and the two sides of Turkey.  We had to wait for the right boat so we ate right on the Bosporus from a boat that was cooking fresh fish and serving it on a great roll, right on the docks.  I walked to the tour boat eating the sandwich.  It was a beautiful day and a lot of fun on the boat trip which took 1 ½ hours.
Then we took a hop on – hop – off bus tour of the city and it was very neat, taking us also to the Asia side of Istanbul.  We found out that Istanbul is the 2nd largest city in population within the city limits in the world behind Shanghai. Then it was back to the hotel for a quick nap before going out for the evening.
The streets were absolutely jammed and we knew we never make the Dance Theater we were scheduled to go to so we took the subway and made it in plenty of time.
We went to see “The SEMA Ceremony which is a spiritual journey of Dervishes Whirling for Divine Love” and in a 550 year building. It is actually a religious dance still apparently practiced by some today.  No way to describe the dance that we saw unless you go to their website.
Then we took the ferry to the Asian side to look for a place to eat and finding nothing close to the ferry stop, we went back over to the European side and had a fish dinner at a restaurant under a major bridge.  It wasn’t as good as last night, but it was fine.
Then it was back to the hotel and we sat in the lounge sipping a little wine before going to be after midnight.
It has been a fun start to our vacation.
First Course

Main Course - Sea Base

The view from one of our windows

A mansion on the river

A fish sandwich right from a river barge
Barb with the fish sandwich

A beautiful Mosque - one of many

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