Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Day 5

What a wonderful view we had when we woke up – the yachts of the island of St. Thomas.  This view sure beats looking out over the corn fields from our bedroom deck!

The main attraction of St. Thomas is shopping as it is the number one island for shopping!!! 

We both slept in for a little and were finally up and off the ship by 9:30am.  It is a short shuttle around the harbor to the town and then it was walk, walk and walk more into lots of shops – just fun.

After being in town, we caught the shuttle back to the port and walked around the port shops.  Across the street, we went to a jewelry store that has always had some good deals on bracelets and rings that Barb likes and Ed likes because that are not as expensive as some places.

Barb bought 4 bracelets, a scarf and a ring – life is good!!

Then it was back on the ship for a short nap and then a 5:00pm departure.

We then went to the early show before going to dinner.  The show was a great show by the cast.  This group is probably one, if not the best of any we have seen on Celebrity.

Dinner was just fine and then it was off to the casino where Ed won finally and Barb was done a little.

We played our allotted time and were able to get back in the room before midnight, a first for this cruise.

An early night tonight and tomorrow is our last island, St. Martins and its famous beach, Orient Beach and we are looking forward to the day.

Night - Night
The view from our deck the yacht with the dark hull cost 161 million to build and is for charter.  The white yacht is the 49th largest yacht at 228 feet and is owned by Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas NBA team.

You have to just love shopping!!

One of the many alley ways in downtown St. Thomas

Barb's new ring on her little finger and the new bracelets

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