Friday, March 2, 2012

Spring 2012 – Day 2

Our new friend
We slept a little late because we were really tired from the traveling the day before. We finally left the room at about 10 am and drove about ½ hour to the Sawgrass Recreational area were took an air boat tour. Barb had never been on an air boat and this had been one of the items on our “bucket list” that we were finally able to check off.

The ride was fun although because it was about noon and the tempteture was in the middle 80’s, we only saw one alligator, but he was a huge one. We stopped the boat and watched him watching us – it was fun.

On the airboat ride in the Everglades
We ate there from a trailer like we used to have and we had a Cuban Philly sandwich which was pork, cheese, tomatoes and thin French fries on a long roll. Then we toured their little nature area where Barb got to hold a small alligator – it is fun being a tourist. It was good for her that the trainer put tape over the alligator’s mouth.

Back in the car we went about 30 minutes and we were back at Haulover Beach where we spent 2 ½ hours in the sun before heading back to the Hard Rock Casino and Hotel to clean up.

Then we walked around this huge complex and met with our casino host, Vanessa. We are very fortunate that she is here as hopefully if will mean free stays whenever we are in this area – we will see.We had fun talking about when she worked at Celebrity and now the Hard Rock Casino.

Barb and her new pet!!
Frankie Vallie and the Four Season were playing in the huge showroom and Vanessa arranged for us to get casino comp tickets.

Wow – what an amazing show he and his group put on. A full two hours on stage of solid great singing.

After that we went to the casino and Ed did well and Barb couldn’t find a machine she liked because of the crowds.

Then we walked around their big entertainment, shopping and eating outdoor area, had an ice cone and generally just watched people.
What a fun day and tomorrow will be as good if not better.

Our room

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