Saturday, March 3, 2012

Spring 2012- Day 3

Here is the video we took from the Franke Valli concert last night. I was a wonderful concert and they really, really sounded great.

Day 3

Ed driving

We woke up to another beautiful day. We drove down to Miami Beach and rented a boat for a 2 hour tour around some of the islands that make up Miami Beach. We rented a 21 foot boat with a 115 horse power engine; however, we couldn’t go fast because of all of the houses. Then it was a little too rough out in Biscayne Bay so we didn’t open it up.

For lunch we went to a Columbian Hot Dog restaurant called La Perrada that we saw from the Travel Channel with Anthony Bourdain.. Barb had a Chilean Hot dog which was a hotdog with sausage, guacamole, fresh tomatoes, sauerkraut, sauces, mayo and mustard. Ed just had his regular with ketchup and relish.

Barb up front directing!!
Then it was a short drive farther up the beach to Haulover Beach. As it was Saturday, it was really crowded but we had no trouble finding a spot close to the water. We met a couple from Miami and talked a little about each other lives, then they left and we shall never see them again – but we always have memories.

After a few hours in the sun, we went back to the hotel and cleaned up, rested and did a little packing for tomorrow. The weather again today was in the mid 80’s with a light breeze and virtually no clouds. We could not have asked for better weather.

After resting, we went out to the entertainment and food district and had a fun dinner sitting outside watching people as we ate.
La Perrada

Barb and the boat

Then it was on to the casino where Ed had his best night. We finished UP and we hope that we built up enough credibility that they will ask us back.

It is now time to get to back to the room and do a little more packing before getting to bed.

A fun trip to Miami – now on to the Cruise.

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