Monday, August 31, 2009

2009 Cruise – Day 3

The first day on the cruise ship.

The pictures are:
1. Going to the Scavi Tour.
2. Barb as she boarded.
3. The pool area.
4. Lunch area.

We woke up early today because we only had a ½ day in Rome and then it was onto the ship.

We took the 8am shuttle to the Vatican and went to St. Peters again until it was time to go our tour of the underground Scavi excavations, the excavations that included the tomb of St. Peter. We were not allowed to take pictures and pictures would not really tell the story, you have to see it for yourself. The excavations are 33 feet below St. Peters and the tomb of St. Peter is exactly under the center of the main alter. It was dimly lit and we spent about 45 minutes with 10 others and the guide.

We then walked back to shuttle and back to the hotel.

Our car picked us up at 12:30pm and we had to convince and show the driver how to get out luggage into the car as it was exactly the same model as we had from the airport.

We arrived at the ship after an hours drive and wow what a ship. It took only minutes to check in and after finding our cabin we went to the food area and ate lunch and then walked around for the next hour finding our way around the ship.

It is a beautiful ship with a much understated elegance versus an over the top almost garish look of Carnival. Don’t know which we will like best.

On cabin is the same size as our last Carnival cruise, 195 square feet. The bathroom is larger; however, there is less closet space, but everything will be just fine.

After we sailed, we went to a show and then to dinner. Our table mates are from West Palm Beach Florida, London England, and from Scotland. It should be a good group.

After dinner we went to the casino and we are nicely ahead and it is day #1

Tomorrow is Naples and the Amalfi Coast.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Europe – Day 2

The pictures are:
1. The flea market.
2. Cruising the Tiber.
3. Coins into the Trivi Fountain.
4. Dinner on the street.

Well we started out the day by not starting!! The real story is that we woke up at 10:00am. Once we realized how late it was our feet hit the floor almost running. Ed got up, showered and went to breakfast and Barb finished getting ready.

We walked a couple of blocks and took the train into the City and went to the largest weekly market in the world – they say. If it wasn’t the largest flea market, who cared because it was huge. We walked for about two hours. This market is called the market at Porta Portese and is only open on Sunday until 2:00 pm. Barb bought a purse (of course) and Ed bought a shirt (of course)! We had a lot fun. You could buy anything there, even wedding dresses.

Then we ate in a wonderful local’s restaurant and had a three course lunch that we split.

We then walked to the largest Jewish synagogue in Rome and had a guided tour of the synagogue. Our tour guide lived as a young girl during WWII and she was amazing. Her stories of surviving during that period were spellbinding. When we went into the main synagogue they were just starting a wedding so we got to see the bride come in with everyone – it was fun.
A one hour very relaxing cruise on the Tiber River followed and then we were ready to walk again.

We walked to the Trivi Fountain to throw coins in to bring us back to Rome – hey – it worked the last two times!!

A subway ride took us back by the Vatican were we ate dinner and took the shuttle back to the hotel – another wonderful day in Rome.

Tomorrow we get up early to visit the Vatican’s Scavi tour to see the excavations below St. Peter’s Basilica. This is the now opened excavations below the crypts holding the tomb of St. Peter. They only take 120 people a day 33 feet below St. Peters so it should really be interesting. Then we race back to the hotel and head for the ship.

Talk to you tomorrow from the ship – night – night.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Europe 2009 – Day 1

See the previous day for our trip informaiton.

The pictures are:
1. Loading up the car upon arrival.
2. Our noon snack
3. Crossing the Tiber
4. Inside St. Peters - Mary with Jesus.
5. Service at St. Peters.

An uneventful drive to the airport put us there a couple of hours before our flight was to depart. Stacey from Suzie Davis had given us Admirals Club admission tickets so we spent the couple of hours before the flight relaxing and snacking in the lounge.

Then it was off to Rome. The flight took our ½ hour late but arrived in Rome right on time. We waited 45 minutes for our luggage but after it came, we whisked right thru customs and met the up with our driver who was waiting right outside of customs. He shook his head when he saw all the luggage, but we made it with two pieces sitting in the back seat between us.

Checking in was a breeze and they upgraded our room to a balcony on the 5th of 7 floors looking right out at St. Peters Church – was a beautiful view.

Fifteen minutes after we were in the room we were in a taxi heading for Rome. We first stopped at a market called Campo del Flori, then walking to Piazza Navona, then over the Tiber River to an area called Trastervere and then by cab to the St. Paul Basicalla, the only major Basicalla we have not seen in the past.

Then we hopped a subway and went to the Vatican and it was by then 5:00pm. After seeing the Vatican, we took the hotel’s shuttle back to the hotel, made a quick change of clothes and back on the shuttle to the Vatican area were we ate dinner at a sidewalk cafĂ©.

We asked for their two best pasta dishes and enjoyed a fun meal on the sidewalk.

Then we took the shuttle back to the hotel and are now crashing at 9:30 pm. It has been a long day since we left home but a fun time. Tomorrow will be our only full day in Rome so we will be up early and moving fast!!

Night from Rome.

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