Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 2

A back street in Palm Beach
Well we woke up at 8:15 – must have needed our sleep. It was partly cloudy so instead of going to the beach, we decided to travel north to Palm Beach and see all of the huge mansions along the way. It is true that the rich are different and the really rich are really, really different and who lives in all of these massive estates. Words cannot describe the wealth that we saw on the way and in Palm Beach. Bentleys were common place and Mercedes were everywhere!!

We stopped and walked along Worth Avenue in Palm Beach, said to be one of the ritziest shopping areas ever and it and the people looked it.

The Breakers Hotel
After Palm Beach it was on to America’s largest indoor flea market in Pompano Beach. It formally was a huge shopping center and now all of the walls are gone inside and it is one massive set of 500 stalls selling everything. They say 4 million people visit annually.

By then it was back to the hotel to change for the night. We drove into downtown Ft. Lauderdale to the famous street Los Olas Boulevard. This street is about 8 blocks long filled with great shops and really good restaurants. Once again, we ate outside and had a great meal.

Dinner on Los Olas
Tomorrow we head down the coast to Miami Beach, swimming, sun and then South Beach for New Year’s Eve – it should be fun.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Year's - 2011

The Mustang is loaded
Day 1

The day started in the dark and it was very cold on the outskirts of Merna when we left at 5:30 am. After flying to Atlanta we made it to Ft. Lauderdale just a little past noon. We had to wait a little bit for our rental convertible, but soon we were loaded and on way to the hotel and into our room by 2:30pm.

The Marriott is right in the center of Ft. Lauderdale beach and there are a lot of people here and the weather was 68 degrees when we arrived – wonderful.

The view from our room
Our room is very large with a mini-kitchen and a large balcony on the 15th floor overlooking the beach and the ocean – what a sight!
We had lunch outside at a little stand in front of the hotel and rested for a little while before heading out for the evening.

We ate at a sidewalk restaurant overlooking the beach and the night was beautiful.

Then a walk down the street to see the rest of the restaurants and shops and then back to the hotel for an early evening – it has been a long day and as we look out our balcony, it is 64 degrees!!

Our room is on the 15th floor-center

Tomorrow is the beach.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas - 2010

The ponds by the back door
The television room
 Christmas is such a wonderful time at our house.

We start Thanksgiving weekend and in about 34 hours we have put up all the lights and then it is time to decorate the house. Barb fills the house with the sprit of Christmas and we enjoy if for the entire month of December.

Driving in

The television room
  Since there are so many who have never seen the house at Christmas time, we thought that we would post some pictures so that you could see what a beautiful sight it is.

We hope all of our far flung family and friends had as joyful Christmas as we have had.

The front and west side

From the west

Love and hugs to all and to all a good night.

Barb and Ed

The stockings before Santa
The lane in

Santa is almost here!!

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