Friday, December 6, 2013

Day 8

Today was 81 by 9:00am, but the only problem was that it was cloudy by 10:00am.  So we sat on the deck for a while, and then went to the Aqua Spa to eat.

After that we cleaned up and and went to a new matinee show – the first time we have been on a ship where they had a production show in the afternoon, so it gave us something different to do.  It was a wonderful show featuring the singers on the ship.

After the show we came back to the cabin and got our packing out of the way.  We then went to the casino where Ed hit for a great streak that put him ahead. 

Back to the room for a short nap before dressing for dinner.

Our new friends from Washington DC joined us for dinner with our original dinner partners from Rhoad Island and we had a good time enjoying each others company.

Then it was on to the casino where Barb lost a little and Ed gave back some of his afternoon winnings.  The good news is that we ended up almost even and built up a lot of time to qualify for our next cruise.

All-in-all it was a relaxing trip and we are ready to get back home and get ready for Christmas.

See everyone soon and this is our last blog for this trip.

Night – on our way to Miami and home.
Singers at the afternoon show

Tim and Barb from Washington DC

Arthur and Karen from Rhode Island

Ready to go out for the evening

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Day 7

Our last of 2 sea days and Ed, as usual got up early to get two good deck chairs.  The weather was perfect with a slight breeze and we stayed out on the deck until Noon. 

Then we went to Aqua Spa for lunch and back up on the deck until 1:00pm when it was time to clean up and go to the Blackjack tournament.

Ed qualified for the finals but, for the first time in three cruises, did not win.  The winner was an individual who we met playing blackjack and ate with last night!  A nice couple from Washington DC.  So we just have to start a new streak for next year.

After walking around a little, we went back to the room for our daily nap and get ready for formal night.

After getting ready, we had our pictures taken and we wanted to play a session in the casino but there was nobody there to play, so we sat and listened to the band play.

The show was early tonight so we went to a great production show at 7:00 pm.  The format of the show was exactly the same as we saw in March last year, but of course the cast was different and it was a fun show to see.

Tonight the casino took us to a fabulous specialty restaurant (which is an extra charge restaurant) called Quisne.  Its claim to fame is that is has great food prepared and served in uncommon ways.  The food was great and the preparation and service was fantastic – it was a wonderful meal.  Also great was that the casino paid for it. 

After eating we went to the casino and both Ed and Barb were up – so it was a great evening.

Then it was time to go to bed and tonight we game an hour of sleep so that will be wonderful.

Night from the sea – heading home – one more day on the ship – too short of a cruise but we have lots of things to do for Christmas.
Going out for the afternoon

Our second formal night

9 types of vegetables, 2 filets and 6 more vegetables with the filets!!
The view from our balcony


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Day 6

Another beautiful day in paradise.  We got up early because we wanted to get to Orient Beach before most of the crowds and also it would be a little cooler.

St. Martins is actually split into two countries, one Dutch and one French and it is a beautiful island that we love to go to.  It does have a lot of the same shopping as St. Thomas, but just on a smaller scale, but our real love is the beach on this island.

After breakfast, we walked off the pier, hopped on a shuttle and we were on the French side of St. Martins at Orient Beach in 15 minutes.

We basically spent the entire day on the beach and lunch was a grilled sandwich and a drink– life is good here.

Pictures are not allowed but you can go on the internet and see what a wonderful place this beach is.

By 2:00pm we had been in the sun long enough so we took a shuttle back to the ship.

The shuttle we took back to the ship was neat because the shuttle driver was giving the other couple a tour of the island, so we listened to their tour as we were driven back.

It was then time to clean up and then take a nap.

After our nap, we walked around the ship listened to music and then went to dinner with a couple we had met in the casino.  He is a retired Colonel in the Air Force and works for a government contractor in Washington so we had fun talking at dinner.

After dinner we went to the casino where we lost a little.

Tonight we are heading back to the United States and will be at sea for two days – just relaxing and enjoying.

Sorry there aren’t more pictures, but we weren’t anywhere to take pictures.

Night from the ocean.
Heading to the beach

The back of the ship

Repair store!!

Going out for the evening

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Day 5

What a wonderful view we had when we woke up – the yachts of the island of St. Thomas.  This view sure beats looking out over the corn fields from our bedroom deck!

The main attraction of St. Thomas is shopping as it is the number one island for shopping!!! 

We both slept in for a little and were finally up and off the ship by 9:30am.  It is a short shuttle around the harbor to the town and then it was walk, walk and walk more into lots of shops – just fun.

After being in town, we caught the shuttle back to the port and walked around the port shops.  Across the street, we went to a jewelry store that has always had some good deals on bracelets and rings that Barb likes and Ed likes because that are not as expensive as some places.

Barb bought 4 bracelets, a scarf and a ring – life is good!!

Then it was back on the ship for a short nap and then a 5:00pm departure.

We then went to the early show before going to dinner.  The show was a great show by the cast.  This group is probably one, if not the best of any we have seen on Celebrity.

Dinner was just fine and then it was off to the casino where Ed won finally and Barb was done a little.

We played our allotted time and were able to get back in the room before midnight, a first for this cruise.

An early night tonight and tomorrow is our last island, St. Martins and its famous beach, Orient Beach and we are looking forward to the day.

Night - Night
The view from our deck the yacht with the dark hull cost 161 million to build and is for charter.  The white yacht is the 49th largest yacht at 228 feet and is owned by Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas NBA team.

You have to just love shopping!!

One of the many alley ways in downtown St. Thomas

Barb's new ring on her little finger and the new bracelets

Monday, December 2, 2013

Day 4

Another beautiful day when we awoke with very little sleep.

The sky was clear, the temperature was in the low 80’s and we were on our way to San Juan.  We ate again in the Aqua Spa and since we had been in the sun enough, we took a nap before we arrived and docked promptly at 3:00pm. 

Our only plan was to hurry off the ship and go to the Presidential Palace where the last tour was supposed to start at 4:00pm.  We made it there by 3:30pm to find out that the last tour had just started and we could see them walking in the main gate and they would not allow us to catch up.

So, what did we do, we went to eat!!  We had heard of a famous place called Mallorca some time ago and have been there a couple of times.  Their specialty is a sandwich called the Mallorca which is flat bread, ham and cheese served hot with powered sugar – wow is it good.  We have never been there that anyone in the restaurant spoke English and it was the same this time.

Then we walked around looking at the shops and bought some Pepsi and Kahula to take on the ship.  Finally we went back to the ship and took a Jacuzzi.  Then it was time for dinner and onto the casino.  We still have not both had a winning session at the same time – but we are having fun.

We left the casino early, at midnight and should get a good nights sleep as we next dock in St. Thomas at 8:00am. 

The fort guarding the City of San Juan

Docked and ready to go a shore

The Mallorca and another powered item

Our ship in port

A gift from our rooms steward when we can back to our cabin

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Day 3

Ed was up early at 8:30am to get the “perfect” deck chairs and Barb slept in and was up by 9:30am.  What a wonderful day.  In the low 80’s and just a little bit of wind. 

We stayed on the deck until noon and then went and ate at the Aqua Spa and then it was back on deck and more sun until 1:00pm.

Then it was time to go to the slot tournament.  Both Ed and Barb qualified for the 12 person finals and Barb came in third but they only paid the first two places.

We both played a gambling session and while Ed had a great table, he was down a little and Barb won at her machine – great for her.

After a little snack, it was time for a nap.

At 6:00pm we dressed for the first formal night and went downstairs to walk around, see some entertainment, and people watch.  Barb is spectacular – no questions about it

Dinner was great and we were joined by one of the two missing couples, Arthur and Karen who are from Road Island.  They have cruised a lot and we enjoyed their company.

After dinner we went to the show which was a major production number and it was a really good show, maybe the best singers we have heard in a long time.

Then it was time for our last casino session of the evening where Ed and Barb both lost.

All in all a nice relaxing day on the sea but we know set out clocks ahead one hour so it is 3:00am and morning will come quickly.

Tomorrow we do the same thing in the morning that we did today and then arrive in San Juan at 3:00pm.

Night from the sea.

Barb with our casino host - Andrea

Our first formal night

Out and about 
Barb with flowers Ed sent

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