Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Wow – we are here. We left Chicago 2 hours late and made up an hour so we arrived on Monday at about noon, checked in and we started out on the streets of London. We traveled all about on the tube and had a ball. Finally finished last night with a trip along the Thames river was a blast. We had been up since 6am Sunday morning with a couple of hours of sleep on the plan. on a 2 hour walking tour, it

The pictures are:
Barb out side one of the entrances.
The front of the Marriott with 4 cars from the U A E all owned by the same person, a Lambrogannie( sp), a BMW, a Mercedes and a Bentley. It cost $14,000 to ship each car here for the week. The rich are rally different. I think that there are only a couple of Americans here at this hotel!

The view from our room.

Camden Markets

My first “pint” with St. Pauls across the Thames.

Gotta go – we slept for 9 hours and we have to go see the changing of the guard.


Patte said...
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Corbyn said...

I only took a second to look at the pictures, I'm working, I swear! Awesome pics. I don't know what's more tempting the pint or the location! Love the whole blog-thing...thanks for the update!

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