Friday, July 2, 2010

July 4, 2010 – Day 1

Our first day in Washington

The pictures are:
1. Checking in a Rep. Tim Johnson’s office.
2. Our tour guide – Tyler
3. Changing of the Guard at Arlington National Cemetery
4. Our new friend from Paris

Well we woke up at 4:30am and it is not 10pm and we are gong to crash as soon as I finish this blog.

The AirTran flights were right on time and we arrived at Ronald Regan Airport at noon.

A quick cab ride and we were in the hotel. They upgraded us to an Executive Suite and it is just perfect. We are right on Embassy Row so it is really neat looking out the windows.

We walked a couple of blocks to the subway and rode it to the Capital and went to the office of Rep. Tim Johnson where we were met by and Intern, Tyler. Tyler then took us on a 3 hour tour of the Capital, including the House of Representatives. It was a lot of fun.

After the tour, we found a neat pub and a chicken wrap. Then it was back to the subway and out to Arlington Cemetery, where we took an open-air tour bus around the cemetery. We timed it just right as we saw the last changing of the guard at 7pm – very special.

Back to the subway, we rode it to DuPont Circle and then walked towards the hotel. On the way, we found a huge organic market where we went in and got some soup and a salad. While we were sitting outside in their seating area, we met a lady from Paris who was traveling in the US. She sat with us and we talked for some time about a lot of subjects.

Then back to the hotel and sleep will come soon.

Tomorrow at 9am - the White House tour, again arranged by Rep. Tim Johnson.

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