Monday, September 13, 2010

Europe - 2010 - Day 12

The pictures are:

1. As we left the beach
2. The Cathedral
3. Lunch
4. A boat load of yachts going to the Caribbean – yes the rich are different!

Since the casino was not open last night, we actually got 6 ½ hours of sleep and woke up at 8 so that we could be off the ship at 9. We could not get any cabs to take us to the beach that we wanted to go to; it was too far away, so we took the Celebrity Shuttle bus into town and then walked about 2 miles to a beach that was just wonderful. There is no question that if we cold have a cruise where we cold go to a different beach each day we would love if, especially French and Spanish beaches!!!

At noon we brushed off the sand and took a taxi to the Cathedral, which is the main religious building on the island of Mallorca. It is a massive 13th century Gothic structure constructed on the banks of the Bay of Palma, overlooking the sea about the Arabic walls that protected the city. It has very impressive stained glass windows and the largest rose stain glass window in the world.

After visiting the Cathedral, we ate at a local Tappas restaurant and had a fun meal of fried vegetables and very thinly sliced ham.

Then we walked the old city and shopped and Barb bought several (6) scarves until 3:00pm when it was time to catch the shuttle back to the ship – a great day in Palma.

As we were leaving the port, we had the best sail away party we have ever had. Mallorca is truly a magical place to visit and we hope to someday return.

Dinner, a show with a great violin player followed by the casino and back to the room at 1:30am and time to go to sleep and tomorrow we have a day at sea.


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