Sunday, January 11, 2015

January 2015 – Day 3, Saturday, January 10

The weather was perfect when we woke up and Ed ate breakfast as usual and Barb got ready to spend the morning on the beach together.  The sun was really, really hot but we were only able to stay on the beach until 10:30am as we had to pack, check out and go to the ship.
We took a cab to the ship and basically walked right into our cabin – the service was probably the fastest we have ever seen.  Later we found out that very few of the passengers had arrived before us and most came later.
We took our carry-ons to the room, me our room attendant and went up to the deck to eat.  Our friends from New York, Jeff and Vera who had just been on this cruise told us that the food was better than they have seen in a long time and they were right.  The presentation and food was outstanding. 
We first had a sandwich, then some food from the buffet and finally deserts.  After that we went to see where our dinner table was located, walked around a little more and then went up to the deck to be in the sum. 
They had a great steel pan player and we also danced to some of his songs – it was a lot of fun.  We stayed on deck until 5:00pm and went to our cabin where our luggage was waiting for us.  After unpacking we took our usual nap.
Later after the life boat drill we went to dinner.  Our table is in perfect spot and is a round table for 8; however, the other couples did not show up which is not unusual for the first night.
After dinner we went to the show which had a couple of good acts and then it was to the casino.
We basically closed the casino are 1:00am and Barb had lost just a little at slots and Ed was up nicely.
We hope Jason had a Happy Birthday and the two new puppies are getting along fine.
Miss everyone and it is going to be a fun cruise.
Night for this day.

Going out for our first night on the cruise


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