Monday, January 12, 2015

January 2015 – Day 5, Monday, January 12

Barbados – 83 degrees and sunny with a few clouds!!
This is a country with a very British background, with a lot of beaches, inlcuding10 miles of beaches on the west side of the island.  As we have been here before and been to the beaches and have some very inclusive tours, we decided to sleep late and walk from the port to the main town, Bridgetown.
We left the ship about 9:00am and walked toward town stopping along the way at a number of vendors.  We also stopped at the main fish market and watched them prepare the fish that had just been caught.
A little after we reached the center of town the rains came and did it pour down.  Luckily we had taken an umbrella so we were able to stay dry as we ran to a storefront.  After watching rain for 15minuites, we took cab back to the port.  There we shopped indoors at the port shops.
Then we took the shuttle on the pier to the ship and had lunch and then up to the deck for some sun.  That didn’t last long as the rain came again.  So, it was back to our cabin for our nap – a little early we were ready s Barb’s back really needed a rest as did Ed’s knees.

After our nap we walked around and looked at the buffet to see how it looked for dinner and they have made some great changes in food preparation and presentation – everything looked really good.
Then we stopped in the casino and played for ½ hour before dinner.  Barb broke even and Ed was down.
Again tonight, the entertainment was at 7:00pm before dinner and tonight it was a wonderful four part male vocal group called Unexpected Boys and they put on a great show.  They were all from New York and New Jersey and did some wonderful Frankie Vallie and Broadway songs and it was a fun show.
As last night was our second night without anyone at our table, we asked the matri d if they had any open spots at another table.  They put us in a table that we close to where we were with 6 other people, 2 couple and 2 ladies who are friends of one of the couples.  It will be a fun table.
After dinner we went to the casino where Barb doubled her money she started with and Ed also won and also made up for his losses in the afternoon.
Night from the sea and tomorrow it is St.Lucia.
Leaving in the morning
The first stop of the day!!!

The local fish market
Just gotta have a new purse!!  and she did - not that there is anything wrong with that!!

The rich are different


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