Friday, March 11, 2022

Day 9

We finally made it to Cartagena, Columbia, South America.

It is just about as far from Merna to Miami as it is from Miami to Cartagena - That’s a long way south!!

Once before we were here and did the tourist type of things and this time, we booked a private to the Bazurto Market for us and also Barb and Tim.

It was 86 degrees when we went out and it was very, very hot.  We are so close to the equator to make it uncomfortable to walk very far in the direct sunlight.

When you leave the ship, you have to take a shuttle bus to the start of the port and walk through a really nice bird and animal sanctuary with lots of Parrots, Monkeys, Peacocks and Flamingos.  None of them are caged so it is really neat.

We took a short cab ride to meet our guides.  The tour is sponsored by a non-profit organization and the two guides were very nice.  One was a lawyer and the other

Basically, this market has everything and it is a labyrinth of stall and if we didn’t have a guide, you could easily get turned around and lost!!

For anything you wanted to get fixed, there was a craftsman to fix it for you.  We watched a metal mechanic make duck work all by hand.  We listened to their local music and they gave us a CD to take home.  We went to a traditional Colombian healing center where they used all natural plants to cure “anything”.

We tasted some very different fruit and they made a fruit drink for us.

We then went to a restaurant in the market that was featured on Anthony Bourdain’s TV show to have lunch of fish and several kinds of rice and ??.

The final part of the tour was the produce, meat and fish markets and they were amazing. 

There is no refrigeration and he meat and fish are just sitting out in open air stalls!

Then our guides took us out of the market and back to the ship where we again walked through this amazing entry to the port with all the birds.

After cleaning up we met everyone on the back of the ship for lunch.  While we had eaten in the market, it just seemed to eat again on the ship – it was there, why not??

After lunch we went back to the cabin to relax before going out for the evening.

The show in the theater tonight was called “big Band & Broadway” and it was very good.

After the show we went to Blu and had a wonderful meal.

Then it was to the casino where Barb and Ed each lost a little.

Tomorrow we arrive in Aruba at 4pm for an overnight stay.

Nite – Nite from way south.

                                                              Going out to the market

                                                            Showing off for us       

                                                        Getting ready for the lunch crowd

                                                        A typical isle of many isles

                                                                Freash fish - notice no ice

                                                                The local drug store

                                                            Our guide eating at the restaurant
                                                               Ed's food at the bottom

                                                        The restaurant - Barb & Tim did not eat

                                                                The Kitchen at our restaurant

                                                        Another kitchen in the same area

                                                                Just watching us

                                                         Going out for the evening

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