Monday, July 25, 2022

Day 6, Sunday, July 24


We slept in as there was nothing we wanted to do except get on the train. We left the hotel at 11:00am because that was the latest the hotel shuttle was available to go to the train station.The train was right on time so we took off at 12:30pm for 8 hour trip to Anchorage.

Soon after we left they called us to breakfast which was very good. We enjoy our lunch sitting with a couple from California.

Then it was just a long train ride for 6 hours when we stopped at the town of Talkeena to left a large group off.

For dinner we were joined by a couple from West Virginia and had a very good meal with a nice couple.
Then we passed be the little town that Rick Snow lives in.

As it is close to Anchorage there were regular houses and stores. Rick lives out of town in a house he built with his own airplane hanger!

We were delayed getting into Anchorage due to the tracks being overheated and the train had to slow down. Then as we were already late, we had to pull of on a siding to let a large freight train pass.

We finally made it into Anchorage about 2 hours late and then we took a Uber to the Downtown Marriott.

We are going to have a fun couple of days in Anchorage.

Night - night

Our Train to Anchorage for the next 10 hours

The view from the train as we were on our way

Going over a very long bridge

                                                                Great seat location

More mountains - these are smaller ones then in Denali

Our huge room at the Downtown Marriott until Wednesday

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