Wednesday, January 4, 2023

New Year’s 2023 – Day 8

We had docked at the island of Tortola when we woke up. Once again it is forecast to be clear and in the 80’s.

This is a beautiful island very popular with sailboats and yachts and a great island to snorkel which we have done before.

Today, we just walked into town to look around and not really finding anywhere or anyghing of interest, we walked down to the waterfront in town.

Lots and lots of sailboats were tied up on the many piers in the harbor.

After walking around for a couple of hours, we went back to the ship and up on the deck to be in the sun.

We met everyone at 1:45pm on the back of the ship and spend a couple hours with them just relaxing.

The entertainment tonight a production show that we had seen before called The Tree of Life and since we had seen it several times and didn’t really like it so we skipped it and instead went the casino early where Ed broke even and Barb lost a little.

Then it was time to eat and we had an enjoyable dinner with our friends before going to a show in the entertainment venue called The Club which was smaller and more intimate. The show there tonight was the singer from a few nights ago, Jessie Hamilton Jr who was very, very good.

Then it was back to the casino, Ed won and Barb lost a little

Tomorrow is our last day at sea and it promises to be a very relaxing day.

It is also Barb’s birthday.

Nite and we will be home soon.

Going walking in Tortola

Dozens and dozens of yachts like this and bigger

The inside swimming pool

Time for an evening of music, eating and gambling - life is good!!


Kara said...

Beautiful pictures of you two!

Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures! You two are so cute! Happy Birthday Barb! Big hugs!

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