Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Europe – Day 10

 Today is a sea day and after 9 days, it was wonderful to just relax and take a break from all the places we had already visited.

Ed got up at 7am as always to go up the top deck to get lounge chairs.  To his surprise, there were no other guest there.  On most, if not all cruises we have been on by 7:30 all the good lounges were taken.  Today, it wasn’t until 9 when people started showing up.

Breakfast was ready which was great and we had the perfect position for our chairs – up front and away from the pool.

After lunch, with the sun getting very hot, we decided to walk around the regular decks and wow, were they crowded.  No way we are ever going to sail with this this without upgrading to the Yacht Club.  It seemed like all 5,000 people were all in the same space.  I will attach a video of the main pool deck.  People younger than us would probably enjoy all the action.  Think a large Carnival ship on steroids!!

One thing that they did have was 3 floors of shops so it was time to go see all the shops.

Then it was back to our pool deck for the rest of the afternoon before we came in and cleaned up and went to dinner.

This was elegant night so we dressed up a bit.

Barb had Lobster for dinner and Ed had a filet and then it was onto the casino where Ed won a little and Barb did not play.

It was a long session at blackjack and it is now 2:00am. 

The good news is that tomorrow we dock at Ibiza, Spain at 11:00 so we can sleep in some.

There are not many pictures as we didn't do much.


                                                        On the pool deck for the day

                                                        Going out for the evening

Videos to come

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