Sunday, October 22, 2023

Europe – Day 14

It was a beautiful day in Genoa when we woke up.

They asked us to be out of our room at 7pm so we were up at 6 and out at 7 and to the inside restaurant. 

This was the first time we had eaten breakfast inside.

We had a 12:30pm train to Rome so we didn’t want to get off too early as the train station was only about 15 minutes away.

At 10:15am we asked our butler to take us off the ship and WOW was it easy for us. He took both of our carry-ons and walked us to the baggage area where he put the 4 pieces on one cart and took us outside where he arranged for a taxi to take us to the train station.

The trip was so quick that when we got to our train platform, we had 1 ½ hours to wait.  At least we were there.

The train was right on time so with the help of a big guy, we got ourselves and our luggage in our car.

We are in the first-class car and it has 45 seats and there are only 9 people in the entire car.  The 6-hour train trip only costs us $113.00 so it was a great but, in our view.

We were only 2 hours away from Rome when the train came to a complete stop.  After a little bit we heard the bad news in that there was a body on the track and the police were are the scene!!

After 2 hours we finally starting.  So now the train got to Rome at about 8pm and we took a taxi to our hotel.

This is the same wonderful hotel (The Pantheon Iconic Rome Hotel)  that we stayed at last October when Ed was sick so we are looking forward to it this time with both of us feeling tired but great.

We checked in, went to our room, and dropped off luggage and immediately went to a great pizza restaurant.

We are here for 2 full days and on the 3rd day we will leave the city late to go to an airport Marriott as we have a 6:25am flight.

We have some places in Rome we are really looking forward to seeing and we will share them with you.

Our hotel room is very elegant with windows that look out over the front street and we have the windows open to get a great nights sleep.

It will be a relaxing couple of day.

Night from Rome

                                                        Time to leave the ship

                                                            Our butler leading us out

                                                        Heading to Rome

                                                                    Going to dinner

                                                            Pizza in Rome

                                                        This street is very narrow!!

                                                                The view from the rooftop terrace

                                                    Another view from the rooftop

Leaving the ship

Our room in Rome

We have also added some videos from the past several days to previous days on the blog

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