Saturday, December 30, 2023

Day 4 – Saturday, December 30

Today is a sea day and we had hoped that we would sit out on the top deck in the sun all day.

Unfortunately, when we woke up it was raining and while it finally stopped raining at about 10am, it stayed cloudy all day – so, no sun.

We had lunch as usual with our friends on the back of the ship and walked around a little before heading to the casino where Ed played in the blackjack tournament.  While he qualified for the finals, he did not win.

Basically, we then when back up to the room and go ready for the evening.

Tonight is Chic Night so a lot of the people, including us were dressed up and it was fun people watching.

The show tonight was production number by the entertainment staff and it was very good.

Then on to dinner where we had a wonderful dinner tonight.

Of course, after that we went to the casino where Ed won and Barb lost

Tomorrow we are at sea until docking at San Juan at 4:30pm and for sure we hope for great weather.

Take care – stay safe.

Day 4 – Saturday, December 30

Today is a sea day and we had hoped that we would sit out on the top deck in the sun all day.

Unfortunately, when we woke up it was raining and while it finally stopped raining at about 10am, it stayed cloudy all day – so, no sun.

We had lunch as usual with our friends on the back of the ship and walked around a little before heading to the casino where Ed played in the blackjack tournament.  While he qualified for the finals, he did not win.

Basically, we then when back up to the room and go ready for the evening.

Tonight is Chic Night so a lot of the people, including us were dressed up and it was fun people watching.

The show tonight was production number by the entertainment staff and it was very good.

Then on to dinner where we had a wonderful dinner tonight.

Of course, after that we went to the casino where Ed won and Barb lost

Tomorrow we are at sea until docking at San Juan at 4:30pm and for sure we hope for great weat

The pictures will not load - will try tomorrow.  Night on the way to San Juan

Take care – stay safe.

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