Thursday, February 29, 2024

Day 2 – February 29, 2024

 We slept in really late as we have been up almost 24 hours the day before.

We drove to one of our favorite beaches, Hallover Beach north of Miami.

The weather was all we could ever ask for, 80 degrees and just a few clouds.

Of course, Ed sunburned just a little his forehead and Barb just got darker!!

At 2:00pm we decided it was time t go to lunch and so drove down to Surfside and ate at a Kosher restaurant called Carrot and had a wonderful Tuna wrap to share.

Then back in the car driving down to Miami Beach and Lincoln Rd, which is a pedestrian only street for 10 blocks.  We walked the 10 blocks and back before getting in the car and coming back to the hotel.

The shops on Lincoln Road are very expensive.  Barb saw some beautiful slacks she liked and they were $150.  Another store had ad sress she liked and it was $750!  But it was fun walking and seeing all the people.

We changed for dinner and went to Little Havana to eat in a Cuban restaurant called laCamaronera.  If you didn’t know about the place, you would not stop.  We had been there before and as before, dinner was wonderful.  We had fried Plantains, Ceviche, and fresh grilled Mahi-mahi.

By then it was late and time to go back to the hotel and crash for the evening.

Tomorrow is the beach and the University of Miami vs Florida baseball game.

Night from Miami

                                The entrance to Hallover Beach

                                                Barb on the beach

Resting at Lincoln Rd

                                    The front of the restaurant


                                                        Appatizers - Plantains and Ceviche

                                            The main course - fresh grilled Mahi-mahi


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