Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 7

Welcome to Barbados
 The day began in beautiful Barbados. The temperature is about 80 and we are setting out for the town and go shopping - who would think that.
We have been here before so we don’t need to tour so we decided to go downtown to the capital’s main shopping area and then go to the beach.

Shopping proved to be nothing of any interest so by 10:00 am we were at this real nice “local” beach. A bottle of water was only 90 cents and sandwiches were only $5.00!!

Barb on the beach - lots of coral
We stayed there until 2:00 pm when our taxi came to pick us up and take us back to the ship. Was the sun ever hot – we are a long ways south of Merna.
After dinner we both played in the slot tournament and Ed qualified. In the finals, out of 6 players, Ed came in last, but did win a teddy bear for last place!!

Our lunch shack

Part of the beach on Barbados

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