Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 8

The Market
We slept late and finally made it off the ship at 10:00 am. We have been to St. Lucia three times now so we were only interested in shopping for a little while and then going to a beach.

The shopping was you typical island fare except they did have some beautiful dishes that were had made and painted. Barb bought a small square plate.

While shopping, we found a wonderful St. Lucian local fruit and vegetable market that we wandered thru. While there we found a lunch stand and had lunch. We do not know what we ate except we told them no fish. We ate with a couple of casino dealers from another ship that was in port. They told us that this was the best local place to eat in town.
Where we ate lunch

Following lunch, we told a taxi to a beautiful palm-lined beach, Marigot Bay. After a ½ hour taxi ride, we came to the bay but first had to take a short ferry across the bay to the actual beach.

After a couple of hours it was back to the ship for a little rest and we got ready for the second formal night.

The night was fun – we had a really good dinner and the casino sent us another bottle of wine. Since Barb doesn’t drink wine and I only drink a little, our table mates enjoyed most of the bottle.

The show in the lounge was their big production called “Zoom” and it was fantastic.

What did we eat for lunch???

Then on to the casino where we did very well and are calling it a night and it is already tomorrow.

On the beach

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