Friday, April 9, 2021

Spring 2021 – Day 5

We again go up late, but still made it out of the room by 11:00am.

The weather is unbelievably perfect. Virtually no clouds and very hot sun.

We stayed on the beach until about 2pm and then went to a Columbian restaurant where we have shrimp in a wonderful garlic sauce with a salad and rice combination.

After the late lunch we rode around with the top down looking at the fabulous homes in this area.

Then we came back to the hotel to freshen up and heading to an area in Surfside which has 10 neat restaurants in a 2-block area.

We choose a Greek restaurant and had a Greek salad and Sea Bass on rice. We usually split an entrée for dinner and this was a huge portion – but we finished it all.

After dinner, we came back to the hotel and had one of their complimentary drinks and then it was time to go to bed.

Tomorrow will be fun as we are meeting our contact in the Celebrity gambling area for dinner at a Cuban restaurant in Little Havana.

Night from beautiful Sunny Isle Beach

                                                        Going out for the day

                                                              The sky was perfect!!  

                                                        Lunch - Shrimp in a garlic sauce,
                                                            rice and salad

                                                             Greek Sea Bason rice


                                                     On drink on Marriott before bedtime

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