Friday, April 9, 2021

Spring 2021 – Day four

When we woke up, we decided that we had too much sun in a couple of sensitive areas so we did not go to the beach.

Instead, we first went to lunch at a Cuban restaurant and we had a favorite sandwich of the Cuban people, a Cubano.

Then we came back to the hotel and laid out on the pool deck for a few hours.

We then came in and cleaned up and drove around a couple of islands looking at some amazing houses.

After that, it was time for dinner. We wend south to the town of Surfside and ate tuna sushi and a choclate warming cake with ice cream at a popular kosher restaurant.

We then went to the Hard Rock Casino and first watched the light show on the main hotel building, which is shaped like a huge guitar. Hard Rock has completed a major expansion and the place is huge with a 140,000 sq ft casino and it was jammed.

Next was the casino where Barb didn’t play and Ed lost a little.

That’s all from Thursday.

                                                                What we left of lunch

                                                               The pool deck


                                                                    Outside for dinner

                                                                        Dinner was excellent

                                                        Going out for the evening

                                                        Outside the Hard Rock Hotel

                                                                        The Hard Rock Hotel

                                                    The light show at the Hard Rock Casino

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