Friday, September 26, 2008

Day 7

Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon National Park

The pictures are:
Ed in Zion National Park
Driving out of Zion
Entrance to Bryce Canyon National Park
One of the many canyons at Bryce (550 feet down and we are going to hike it down tomorrow)

Well we left the hotel early and took the shuttle into Zion National Park. We only had a couple of hours to explore but we had a fun time. After exploring the park, we raced to the IMAX Theater at the visitor’s center to see a movie about the park and it was amazing to see the entire park in the IMAX format.

The stop at Zion Park showed us another type of rock and canyon formation and we were in awe of the beauty of it all.

Following the movie we all drove out of the park and stopped for lunch at the Buffalo Grill just outside the park. Barb and I both had our first Buffalo burgers and they were good.

Then it was a 68 mile trip to our next destination, the Ruby Inn at Bryce Canyon. The Ruby Inn has been in operation by the same family since 1916 and it is quite a place. We dropped our luggage off in the room and made a fast trip downstairs to the shuttle. We took the shuttle into the park and around to Sunset Point where we listened to a talk by a Forest Ranger about the park.

Bryce Canyon is yet another type of rock formation and I don’t think we can choose which has been the prettiest.

We then boarded the shuttle bus and it took us around the park and back to the hotel.

Next was dinner and shopping and boy can Barb ever shop!! We did have a Utah stone cut in half and inside was a very pretty crystal formation. This rock was many years old and we were then the first people to ever see the inside – pretty neat!!

Well it is time to go to bed as we have a busy day planned for tomorrow – night for now.

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