Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 4 - Cozumel, Mexico

We woke up just as the ship was arriving in Cozumel, Mexico.  As we had been here a couple of times before, we have seen all of the main tourist stops.  This time, we had found a small family- owned and run chocolate factory on the out-skirts of town called KaoKao Chocolate.  

We had to set our clock one hour back last night so it was great to get another hour of sleep after being in the casino late.  We had a 9:00am tour at the factory, so we woke up at 7:00am, just as the ship docked.  We were allowed to leave the ship at 8:00am.  The only problem was that the town was another hour back in time, so it was really only 7:00am we found out.

The tourists’ shops were open so we walked around for a bit and then found a cab to take us to KaoKao Chocolate.  We knew we were going to be early but we thought there might be places around the factory.  The cab driver got lost as she had never heard of this place, but we had been warned to take a map with the address on it and we finally made it. 

They were just opening up when we got there and they let us come in and started us on our tour early.  We were the only ones on the tour so it was just fantastic.   We first met the wife who with her husband owns the factory.  As we were watching a video about the history of chocolate, he came in to start the actual tour. 

We then went into another room with another couple and he proceeded to show us how chocolate is actually made.  We each got to make a small amount of pure chocolate to take back home.

Next we tasted about 12 different kinds of chocolate, which was fun.

Then or course, their small gift shop was open and we bought some chocolate for us and our table-mates at dinner who had asked us to bring some back for them.

The owner called us a cab and we went back to the port and shopped for a while and of course found some Kahula and also some Pepsi to bring back to the ship.

After shopping, we went back to the ship at around noon, ate on the ship and then changed into swimming suits to go out on the deck.

Obviously, it was not as busy as a sea day, so it was very relaxing for a couple of hours and our tans are getting darker.

We then took our nap early and woke up in time to watch the ship leave the port.

Next we walked around the ship, picked up our formal pictures from last night and then sat for a while people watching until we joined our friends at the casino for a short ½ hour session where Ed was up and Barb didn’t play.
After the casino, we went to dinner and of course we had fun and enjoyed dinner.  Then it was on to the casino where Barb broke even, which is great for the slots and Ed did really well.
Tomorrows stop is Grand Cayman Island were right now we have no plans except getting off the ship and waling around.
Night from the sea – on the way to Grand Cayman.
Docking next to the Celebrity Constellation

Leaving the ship

Meeting the owner

Washing up with chocolate soap

Making chocolate with the owner

Shall I buy another plate so many to choose from - so little room!!

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