Thursday, November 1, 2018

October 2018 – Day 11

Today we arrived in Bonaire which is 86miles east of Aruba and 30 miles from Curacao and again the weather was hot, hot at a high of 83.   The sun is also very, very intense as it is almost straight overhead and we are not complaining, just stating the facts!!

Today was a fun day except we had to get off the ship by 7:30am with our friends as that is when our tour was to begin.

We met out tour guide, Connie outside the pier and had a 4 hour tour of the island.  We saw some interesting areas of the island, but basically it told us the only reason people come to this island is to scuba diver and snorkel.  We spent about 1 hour going around the south part of the island and seeing the Cargil salt flats where they produce thousands of tons of salt for water softeners every year.  An amazing process, yet very simple.

We also visited some original slave houses for slaves who worked in the salt flats a long time ago.
A very small island, very few people (20,000) and nothing to see or do, but it was interesting and we were with friends.

Following the 4 hour tour we walked a little in the small tourist area by the ship and then boarded at about 12:30pm and ate on the ship with everyone.

At 1:30pm we went up on deck and stayed out in the sun until late in the afternoon and watched as the ship sailed for Key West, FL, two days away.

We met our friends for our usual 4:30pm afternoon casino session and Ed won a little and Barb hit a big jackpot on the slot machine she has been playing all cruise.  Then she hit the same machine for $150!!

WOW - a great afternoon in the casino!!

At night, instead of eating with our friends, we were taken out to dinner by our Casino Host to a specialty restaurant called Sushi on Five and we had a great meal and enjoyed her company.

After dinner we went to the show which was a singing show about musicals on Broadway and the singers were very good.

In the casino Ed won and Barb of course had a big win!!!!

It was great day for us in the casino and a fun day seeing Bonaire.

Tomorrow is a day at sea so it should very relaxing.

Night from the ocean and we are heading north towards Key West and home.

Ging out last night

Leaving for a day on Bonaire

Original slave housing for the salt mining operation
The salt flats

A beach dive shop and restaurant

An Ospery

Downtown Bonaire

Barb with the slot tech and our Casino Host Iryna

The jackpot

Getting paid by casino management

Windsurfing area on Bonaire

                                                            A major scuba diving area

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