Sunday, October 20, 2013

Europe – Day 13

Naples is the port we woke up in and it is our last port and last full day on the cruise.

Naples is a huge industrial city and most people who visit, leave as soon as they can.  We have been here before so we chose to go back to the island of Capri which is about 1 hour off the coast.

We got off very early to catch the 8:30am hydrofoil boat to Capri and the boat which hold 662 people was jammed full in its 3 decks. 

When we arrived, we took the tram up half way up the mountain to the main town of Capri.  In Europe the island and the main town are often the same name.

From the town, we walked through the main walkway and through some beautiful gardens at the top.  At this point we were at the highest part and decided to tale the very winding walkway down to the other side of the island.

After about a 30 minute walk we reached the bottom and a very little tourist town with a number of very, very small beaches.  We ate lunch and then took the local bus back to the town of Capri. 

From the town, we wandered into the heart of the homes within the town and the streets were a total maze.  None of them you could drive a can on and it looked like a set from a movie.  We were lost for a little bit and finally came out in an area that we knew.

Then we took a local bus back down to the main port, walked around looking at the tourist shops and took the hydrofoil back to Naples.

There was no reason to go into Naples so we boarded the ship at about 4:30pm and went up to the buffet and picked out some snacks and sat on our balcony eating and watching the people get on.

Then we packed – UGH!   All packed, we watched the ship sail away and it was time for a nap.

We talked over our balconies with Jeff and Vera who brought us back a very special Christmas ornament – what a special couple they are and we are proud to call them our friends.  We have had such a good time with them and Barbara and David.

After a nap, we got ready and went out to pick up our pictures from the trip and then went to the casino to play a session where Ed was up a little and Barb just cheered.

Dinner was sad for the last night, but we know we will be back and it is time to go home to our family.

Our last stop for the evening was the casino where Ed down a little and Barb was up.

For the trip, in the casino, both Barb and Ed were up so it was a success.

A very special trip with old friends Jeff and Vera and new friends Barbara and David – we are blessed in knowing them.

See everyone at home – night.

Ed's first snack on Capri

Typical shop

The walkway to the beach on the other side of the island

This is where we are going

The end of the walk - the start is at the peak in the center of the picture

Down at the sea

Shops in the harbor of Capri

Part of the harbor

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