Saturday, September 5, 2009

Europe – 2009 – day 8

The pictures are
1. Bazaar
2. More Bazaar
3. Lunch
4. The beach
5. The Equinox at dockside

On to Turkey and we woke up in Kusadasi which is one of the most beautiful cities on the Aegean Sea. Situated on Turkey’s west coast, it is one of the country’s main vacation destinations. It is also the gateway to Ephesus. We went to Ephesus two years ago from the city of Izmir, so today we stayed in Kusadasi.

There are really only three major things to do in this city if you don’t want to go to Ephesus and they are shopping, eating and going to the beach and we did all three.

We spent the morning shopping in the bazaars of Kusadasi and we had a lot of fun. They said that there were over 1000 shops in the Grand Bazaar and I think that we went into them all. Barb bought a beautiful leather jacket, so maybe it is the year of the leather jacket, I just don’t know.

The weather was 89 at noon and it was really hot so it was time to head to the beach.

We found a lovely little sidewalk restaurant on the promenade above the beach and had a platter of beef, chicken, lamb, sausage and some other food that I didn’t quite know what it was but it was all good.

We stayed at the beach until 3 and then rode the local bus back to town and shopped some more. Shopping in the bazaars of Turkey is quite an experience. They get right in your face, grab your arm and almost pull you into their shop if you even look at something on display, but it was all fun.

Back on board we set sail for Haifa, Israel and will arrive there after a day at sea and rest tomorrow. Hope everyone back home is having a great weekend – we are.
It was a wonderful evening with dinner, a show and a great time in the casino. We left the casino at 2:30am very tired but tomorrow is a day at sea and we can catch up on our sleep and energy.

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