Thursday, January 15, 2015

January 2015 – Day 8, Thursday, January 15

The weather was perfect when we woke up in Philipsburg, St. Maarten.  We are on the Dutch side of the island so the first thing that we did was get a shuttle to the French side of the island and one of our favorite beaches, Orient Beach.
This beach is really great in that we stay on the beach where the Orient Beach Resort is located and they have lounge chairs to rent, we know where the bathrooms are and they have a wonderful beachfront bar/grill.   Sorry, no pictures as cameras are not allowed on the beach.  In fact we saw security take a camera from a couple and inspect it to make sure that they had not taken pictures on the beach!!
We stayed on the beach until 1:30pm and then we walked up the beach to the area where there are shops and looked around for a little bit, but bought nothing.  Five hours in the sun was probably about ½ hour too much, but we enjoyed it.
Then we took the shuttle back to the port where we spent time shopping at the shops at the port and then boarded the ship.
After sitting on the deck for a little bit, we decided that we had time to go back off the ship, take a cab to the main city and again shop for a little – which we did.
We then came back to the ship, took a nap and watched the ship leave the port at 6:00pm.
Tonight was formal night so we rested for the evening and went down to deck 4 to people watch and have our picture taken and then we went to the show.  Tonight the show was a vocalist who was quite good.
After the show we sat in the lounge and listened to music before going to dinner.
As this was formal night, dinner was great.  Barb had lobster tail and Ed had Beef Wellington.
After dinner we went to the casino where Barb lost just a little and Ed had one of his best nights ever!!
Tomorrow is our last island, St. Thomas and also our last day of the cruise but we will be back on this ship February 28 with our friends from New York and will visit a new set of islands
Santa Claus welcomes us at the entrance to the island!!
Formal Night



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