Thursday, January 5, 2023

New Year’s 2023 – Day 9

New Year’s 2023 – Day 9

It was our second to last day of the cruise and today we are at sea all day.

We reserved deck chairs for us and Jeff and Vera early and it was a good thing because the decks were very busy.

It sprinkled on us for just a minute and for the most part it was a beautiful sunny day with a few clouds. It was also raining in the distance and we saw a wonderful rainbow that lasted for a long time. We could see the rainbow looking like it was over the ship from the sea on each side.

Of course, at 1:30pm, we to the Oceanview Café as it our custom and had lunch with our friends and sat around and talked for a bit.

We then went to the casino to play in the slot tournament. Barb didn’t quality and Ed was in it until the last round when he was bumped out; however, our friend John did make it to the finals and he came in third. That was no good as they only paid 2 places!! But it was fun yelling and cheering on each other.

We went down early and played a session with our friends and Ed won and Barb lost a little.

Tonight, is the second evening chic night and we sat in the atrium watching all the people until it was time to go to dinner. We did not first go to the show as we had seen the pianist/singer before.

The dinner was very good and Barb was surprised with a birthday cake from the ship and of course the waiters singing happy birthday. She was surprised.

Then we went to the theater to see the late-night comedy show of the female comedian that we heard on the first night of the cruise. She was really very funny,

Then finally at 11:30am we went to the casino where Ed won and Barb did not play.

We set the clocks back one hour tonight so that will help with the sleep.

After tonight, one more night and we will be home.

Miss everyone – Nite.

The rainbow which was a total one

Vera giving Barb her present

Out for the afternoon

Waiting for the slot tournament to begin

Going out for the evening

One great hand

The staff celebratng Barbs birthday

and of course the birthday cake

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