Monday, December 2, 2013

Day 4

Another beautiful day when we awoke with very little sleep.

The sky was clear, the temperature was in the low 80’s and we were on our way to San Juan.  We ate again in the Aqua Spa and since we had been in the sun enough, we took a nap before we arrived and docked promptly at 3:00pm. 

Our only plan was to hurry off the ship and go to the Presidential Palace where the last tour was supposed to start at 4:00pm.  We made it there by 3:30pm to find out that the last tour had just started and we could see them walking in the main gate and they would not allow us to catch up.

So, what did we do, we went to eat!!  We had heard of a famous place called Mallorca some time ago and have been there a couple of times.  Their specialty is a sandwich called the Mallorca which is flat bread, ham and cheese served hot with powered sugar – wow is it good.  We have never been there that anyone in the restaurant spoke English and it was the same this time.

Then we walked around looking at the shops and bought some Pepsi and Kahula to take on the ship.  Finally we went back to the ship and took a Jacuzzi.  Then it was time for dinner and onto the casino.  We still have not both had a winning session at the same time – but we are having fun.

We left the casino early, at midnight and should get a good nights sleep as we next dock in St. Thomas at 8:00am. 

The fort guarding the City of San Juan

Docked and ready to go a shore

The Mallorca and another powered item

Our ship in port

A gift from our rooms steward when we can back to our cabin

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