Friday, October 4, 2024

Day 5 – Friday, October 2024

This is the first of our two sea days and we slept in until about 9am and it was wonderful.

This ship is sooo smooth and the room sooo dark, it sure helps when you want to sleep.

We had breakfast and then were up on the top deck for some sun before going to lunch at Noon.

Then at 1:00pm Ed played in qualifying round of the blackjack tournament and did not qualify.

Then we went back up to be out in the sun; however, we didn’t last long because it was only about 68 degrees and windy.

So, we came back to the room, rested, and then changed for the evening.

Tonight the dress code is Evening Chic so we were down in the center lobby with music early to people watch.

We then went to the show which was a production number by the cast that we had seen before and we didn’t really like it the first time and we feel the same after watching it again.

Dinner in Blu was

Then it was time to go to the casino for our last stop before going to bed.

Tomorrow, we visit the port of Marseille, France and we are looking forward to it.

Night from the Mediterranean somewhere.

Barb's lunch including a corn dog!

                                     Ed's lunch, fish and chocolate marshmellows!!

                               Here is where we are from Barcelona to Marseille

                                                         Going out for the evening

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