Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 10

Barb with the monkeys
Well the last day is here. We got up early because we docked at St. Kitts at 7:00 am and are leaving at 4:00 pm heading for San Juan.

We forgot to mention that early on in the cruise, Sara, one of the photographers recognized us from a Carnival cruise that we took a couple of years ago. She shared stories and laughs with us. It is fun getting to know the staff on ship and then running into them again.

We were out into the port and only real town by 9 and looked at a couple of tourist shops before hiring a cab to take us to the north part of town to the Batik factory. This is a company that makes very elaborate designs on island cotton using a wax dye process. Ed bought several shirts and Barb bought a blouse.

At the Batik factory
After the Batik factory we went to the St. Kitts Marriott – wow what a place. It has a casino and maybe will be a destination some year.

We were back on by 3pm and packed for the trip back. Tomorrow we plan to get off the ship fairly early and go to the San Juan Marriott and leave our bags with the bell man and stay on the beach until it is time to go to the airport.

The nice thing is that we were both up in the casinos – that really makes for a nice trip.

This will be the last entry until we get home – thanks for following our joys of traveling.
Barb is packed but not ready to go home!

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