Friday, April 24, 2009

Bowling Green - Day 3

Day 3 started in Memphis and we left early and headed for Bowling Green, KY.

The weather was perfect, finally.

The pictures are:
1. Onto Bowling Green.
2. At the Museum.
3. Barb’s sampler platter.

The drive was a fast 4 hours and we first checked in at the Marriott and then over to the

Museum and checked in there. Shortly afterwards, we headed over to the Corvette plant for our tour.

It was fun to see the cars from start to finish and we saw everything except the painting process.

Then it was back to the Museum for the rest of the afternoon. I talked to a lot of vendors who have been at the show and are planning on being back, even though they haven’t sent in their money yet – so that was good to get the commitments that I did. Saw and talked to a number of the staff that I have been dealing with at the Museum so it was a very, very good first day at the show.

Afterwards we went downtown to a great restaurant that had been recommended by two of the staff of the museum. They were cooking crawfish outside in the street for the restaurant and after we ordered, Ed went out and asked for some samples. As you can see, they gave him a full tray, so Barb got her appetizer.

Tomorrow we have a tour with 68 other Corvettes before heading back to the Museum.

See you in tomorrow’s blog.

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