Friday, October 11, 2013

Europe – Day 4

We didn’t have to leave the hotel until 10am so we awoke at 8am after a great night sleep, went to breakfast and packed.

Just before 10am, all 6 of us piled into a beautiful Mercedes van, packed tight with luggage and went to the Celebrity Reflection.  This ship is only 1 year old and we have been on it once before.

The drive was a just about one hour and it took us 36 minutes to get through the check in and security areas and we were eating by 11:30am!!

To say that life is good and we are blessed is an understatement.

We sat around talking and then went to the cabin to unpack, take a short nap and go to the life boat drill.

Then it was time for a nap before meeting the Casino staff in a lounge area.  We knew our Casino Host Andrea and also the Assistant Casino Manager Tracy as well as one of the supervisors.

Then it was time to go to the casino and Ed did really, really well for the first night including building up 3 hours of playing time.  The “rules” of the casino are that Ed has to play at least 2 hours a night at a minimum of $50 a hand.  So, not only did we come out ahead, we played 1 more hour than we needed to which is good if some day we play less time.

Our dinner was at 9pm and it was, of course, very good. 

We then went to the 11pm show and went back to our cabin to go to bed.

Tomorrow is Sicily – night from the water – it is beautiful here.

The heavy room key

Loading the van

Breakfast on the rooftop

Our room

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