Friday, March 1, 2019

Day 9 –March 1 - Spring Miami-Cuba - 2019

The first day of March, 2019 and the last day of this cruise.  The weather was perfect and so after breakfast we were up to the deck and in the sun.

For lunch we went to the main buffet and ate and ate!!

Then it was time for the blackjack tournament and neither of us qualified.

After that we played an afternoon session in the casino and both Barb and Ed won.

At 3:30pm we were back in our cabin packing to leave first thing tomorrow.

The entertainment tonight was a comedian who was very funny.

For dinner, Bill and Sandy again joined us and we had a great time talking at dinner.  We hope they are able to join us in a future cruise as they would certainly fit in with the blackjack group that we are part of.

Of course after dinner we went to the casino for the last time on this cruise and Barb was even and Ed lost for only the second night.  This was one of the best casino wins we have every experienced – so a very successful trip in lots of ways.

This has also been a wonderful and relaxing cruise and we made some new friends.

Night and tomorrow we head to Tampa and the Carnival Paradise.

Going out for the day

and of course out for the last evening on the ship

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