Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Years 2012 – Day 8

A clock and water spigot in the main square

We awoke at 10:00am – I think that we needed the sleep. We were at the island of St. Kitts, a very little, but beautiful island.

Today we wanted to do some shopping and then work on our tan.

So, first we were off the ship into the shops that were built right along side the port. After that we went into the original town to go to a shop that we have found some great bargains before. Unfortunately, the shop didn’t yield any bargains for us this time.

We walked back to the ship and were eating lunch in Aqua Spa at 1:00pm.

A local fruit and vegetable market
Then it was time for a couple of hours of sun on the ship’s deck. We have been to the beaches here before and while they are beautiful, there was no sense in spending the money to take a cab when the ship would do just fine today.

Again, the tempteture was in the lower 80’s and simply gorgeous and those are the best words that we can describe the weather and the countries we have been to.

After resting, we watched the ship sail and then walked around. As we left port with another ship in front of us, we passed by the island of Montserrat which has an active volcano!

A cold wash cloth always there when we board
The show was before dinner tonight and was a very entertaining singing impressionist named Karen Grainger and she was quite good.

Dinner was again excellent. This restaurants food and service is the very best we have ever had on any cruise. The problem is that we enjoy eating in the main dining room and meeting a lot of people. But, all in all it is a great experience and we are eating and gambling with a fun couple.

After dinner, of course we all went to the casino and thankfully again we both did well.

A Princess ship with the volcano on Montserrat
Tomorrow is the first of our last two days at sea and then we will be home.

Night for now.

New Years 2012 – Day 7

St. Martens – one of our favorite islands.  It is ½ Dutch and ½ French. 

Heading out to the beach
We woke up to a hard rain storm, but by the time the ship was cleared for arrival, the rain had stopped.

We arrived on the Dutch side where most of the shopping is and spent a little time walking the streets and just looking.

Then we took a taxi to the French side for our favorite beach, Orient Beach.  We stayed there until 2:30pm and then took a taxi back to the ship.  We also talked to a couple from Pontiac, IL who we had met at the beach last year – what a small world.  The nice thing about this beach is that the sand is wonderful, the water is warm and also everyone on the beach is a couple staying there so it is a very adult beach.

We may have gotten a little too much sun – we will see how we are tomorrow.

We showered and rested (beaches are hard work!) and then went to dinner which once again was excellent.

Then it was on to the casino where we did really well and called it a night at midnight.

We didn’t do a lot today, but it was a fun day, very relaxing.

Tomorrow is our last island, St. Kitts and we will do some shopping.

The start of Orient Beach - no camers allowed
Leaving Port with two other ships docked

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